Spring 2025 Volunteer Workshop

When: February 22, 2025, 9:30AM – Noon

Where: Tualatin Heritage Center, 8700 SW Sweek Dr, Tualatin, OR 97062

You’ll learn about the Western Bluebird and why this sensitive species needs our help.  You’ll also learn about our nest box monitoring program and what’s involved in volunteering to monitor nest boxes.  You’ll be able to meet volunteer monitors, ask question, and likely hear some bluebird stories from the field. 

We monitor nest box routes in the countryside around the suburbs south of Portland, such as Sherwood, Newberg, Dundee, Scholls, Laurel, Farmington, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Beavercreek, and Canby.  Monitor responsibilities include field work and data collection during the April-August nesting season.

Join us on Saturday, February 22, 2025, RSVP with this form:

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    Email *



    Spring 2024 Volunteer Workshop

    When: Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 9:30 am-noon

    Where: Tualatin Heritage Center, 8700 SW Sweek Dr, Tualatin, OR 97062

    Are you interested in learning more about Western Bluebirds?  Come to our Spring Volunteer Workshop!  We’ll introduce you to the Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project and our efforts to help the Western Bluebirds in the Willamette Valley.  You’ll learn about our nest box monitoring program and what’s involved in volunteering to monitor nest boxes.  You’ll be able to meet volunteer monitors, ask questions, and likely hear some bluebird stories from the field.    

    We monitor nest box routes in the countryside around the suburbs south of Portland, such as Sherwood, Newberg, Dundee, Scholls, Laurel, Farmington, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Beavercreek, and Canby.  Monitor responsibilities include field work and data collection during the April-August nesting season.

    Join us on Saturday, March 2, 2024!!

    Spring means nesting season is starting!! 


    You may be seeing bluebirds choosing their mates and checking out nest boxes.  Or maybe you’re seeing robins courting or hearing a Northern Flicker drumming on your rain gutter.  You may be tempted to “help” our feathered friends by putting out nesting material for them to use in building their nests.  However well-intentioned, do not offer dryer lint, yarn, strings, or human hair as nesting material for birds.  Why not, you ask? 

    Dryer lint dissolves and loses its shape in rain-something we have in abundance here!  The resulting openings in the nest allow heat to escape, and chicks are at risk for hypothermia.  And what about string and yarn? 

    Nestlings move around a lot in a nest, re-positioning themselves for being fed and for snuggling for warmth.  A loose strand that is woven into the nest on one end doesn’t require much length to get wrapped around a baby bird’s toothpick-thin leg and can trap the chick to the nest, resulting in injury and even death.  For tips on safe nesting material, check out a free handout from our friends at Backyard Bird Shop .

    [“Remedies or Acts of Kindness that Backfire” used by permission from Backyard Bird Shop]

    Spring 2023 Volunteer Workshop

    Saturday, March 4, 2023             10:00 am-noon

    Champoeg State Heritage Area

    Are you interested in monitoring bluebird nest boxes?  Come to our Spring Volunteer Workshop to learn how you can become a Nest Box Monitor.  You’ll learn about our organization and meet returning volunteers. 

    We monitor nest box routes in the countryside around the suburbs south of Portland, such as Sherwood, Newberg, Dundee, Scholls, Laurel, Farmington, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Beavercreek, and Canby.  Monitor responsibilities include field work and data collection during the April-August nesting season.

    Join our nest box monitoring team!